Is Your Brain Super Busy Lately?
September 2014, have you noticed your brain is super busy right now? Are you over-thinking just about everything? The massive solar flares now impacting Earth are making us jittery and there are other significant cosmic influences affecting us.
Heads are super busy and all over the place. So get yourself grounded. Stay away from conflict, and lashing out at one another.Before you have a go at someone that doesn’t deserve your rage try remember why you are so stirred up, and accept own responsibility, or if someone is in rage with you then try to be conscious of why they are so fired up, and know that this is a process they need to go through, so best to just send them unconditional love and just let them be. This energy to will pass.
Make the most of it by meditating and tuning in, to the highest potential for your life. Do not make any major decisions at this moment.
Although it looks like direct communications will not be affected, our energy fields do get impacted. Drink plenty of water and eat good healthy food. Do your best to stay away from too many stimulants, as there is so much mental stimulation as it is. Our pineal glands are going off! (Hence dreams are intense, as consciousness is stirred).
Headaches and sleeplessness can arise with all this extra electrical charge bombarding our atmosphere. Do whatever you can to neutralize and get grounded. And most importantly have pen and paper handy, cos you are getting downloaded with a stream of divinely inspired ideas for your life!
October will be a mega month of shedding. We are preparing all throughout September to walk through the doors of the new 11:11.